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Manchester council pavement and road potholes resulting in injury

Manchester second highest for pothole accident claims

Posted in: Bicycle Accidents Pothole Injuries Public Place Accidents Road Traffic Accidents 

According to recently released data, Manchester stands as the city that had the second highest number of accident claims filed against its council in 2014 for pothole-related injuries. The information showed Birmingham to be the number one city in the UK for pothole-related claims, followed by Manchester and then Newcastle.

It was found that Manchester City Council received over 3,500 complaints over potholes in 2013/14, only marginally fewer than those received by Trafford in the Greater Manchester area, (over 3,880 complaints). Manchester’s residents complained that the condition of many of Manchester’s roads posed a serious threat to all road users, especially cyclists. The Guardian recently referred to Manchester as a “terrible cycling city”.

Spray-painted around the potholes

After local authorities failed to amend the problem, residents decided to take control of the matter by launching an anonymous campaign under the name ‘Wanksy’, who spray-painted around the potholes to get the council’s attention. Local residents are still waiting for improvements to be made.

A Manchester City Council spokesperson told MM: “The city council takes all claims very seriously […] We also have a duty to protect taxpayers’ money and so we rigorously investigate all claims we suspect may be unreasonable or fraudulent.

Councils across Greater Manchester paid out a total of £3.4million in accident compensation to staff between 2008-2013, with accidents ranging from kitchen burns to wet floor slips.

If you have suffered an injury on the road or at work, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us.  


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