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Construction worker awarded over £300,000

Posted in: Car Accidents Head and Brain Injuries Hip Injuries Road Traffic Accidents Workplace Injuries 

A construction worker who was very seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident whilst travelling to work has been awarded over £300,000 in compensation. The accident occurred when a female driver travelling in the other direction lost control of her car and veered into the path of the worker. The female driver sadly lost her life as a result of the accident. The injured man was taken to hospital by ambulance, where it was found that he was suffering from multiple fractures and injuries.

The victim, who was in this 50s, sustained fractures to his wrist, multiple fractures to his pelvis, his hip was dislocated, and his foot was fractured and dislocated. He also sustained a head injury and slight brain damage. He underwent extensive reconstructive surgery, involving inserting rods and pins to his fractured bones, most of which were deemed successful. The patient, however, was left with restrictions to his movements as well as ongoing aches and pains.

Unable to carry out his work duties

The claim for compensation was brought against the deceased woman’s insurance company, who accepted liability and offered to settle for around £200,000. Solicitors representing the injured man sought expert advice from medical specialists, including experts in neurology, psychiatry, orthopaedics, and neuropsychology. It was ascertained that the victim would be unable to carry out his work duties in the capacity that he had before the accident occurred. This would therefore have an impact on his ability to earn at the same level as before. 

His solicitor finally agreed to settle the claim on his behalf for a total of £310,000.

If you have suffered an injury at work, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us.


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