Paralysis Compensation Claims in Manchester

Paralysis is a severe and life altering illness. It has a major impact on the victim, their way of life and on their family. If you, a friend or a family member is left paralysed as a result of a third party’s negligence, then you can make a claim for compensation. Whilst receiving paralysis compensation may not allow the victim to regain full use of their body, it may go some way towards making their life more comfortable. It will punish the responsible party enough for them to take care in future.

The spine is an important part of the body as it transmits information to the rest of the body. Paralysis is usually caused by an injury to the nerves and the spinal cord. Paralysis can be temporary or permanent, and there are two types of paralysis:

  1. loss of feeling and movement in the lower part of the body
  2. loss of feeling and movement in the upper part of the body

Make an Injury Claim for Paralysis

You can suffer paralysis as a result of many forms of negligence, typically as a result of a road traffic accident, a surgical error, or an accident at work. Any paralysis compensation claim will be made against the negligent party’s insurance company, and the amount you can claim will depend on the extent of your paralysis and how it was caused. Typically, a paralysis compensation claim can be anything from a couple of thousand pounds up to millions of pounds. In addition to the compensation for your personal injuries, you can also claim for any other losses, financial, or otherwise you have had to incur. For example, damage to property, alternations to the home, care costs, physiotherapy, loss of income and so on.

Personal injury compensation claim solicitors Manchester

Any paralysis compensation claim should be made with the assistance of our personal injury solicitors** in Manchester within three years of the date of the accident that resulted in the paralysis. Our solicitors** work on a no win no fee* basis, which means that you will not have to pay for your legal fees for making a claim regardless of whether your claim is successful or not.

Contact our Specialist Paralysis Compensation Solicitors** for Manchester

If you have been paralysed by an accident and weren’t to blame for your injury, our personal injury solicitors** can help you claim compensation through our No Win, No Fee* service. Call our accident claims team on 01615 168 871^ or contact us online.

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