Complaints Procedure

Friends Legal (Marketing) Limited Complaints Procedure

All complaints, whether written or oral, must be reported to Compliance Officer of Friends Legal (Marketing) Limited in writing, by telephone, email or in person. The matter will be investigated impartially and the response will be to the client in writing.

79 Earles Meadow
West Sussex
RH12 4HR

Email: [email protected]

A client’s complaint will be acknowledged in writing or by email within five business days of receipt, giving the name and job title of the individual handling the complaint, a copy of the Company’s formal internal complaints procedure will also be provided.

A substantive reply will be provided within 8 weeks from receipt of the complaint. The reply will, if appropriate, offer a settlement or final response, which is expected to be acceptable to the complainant or alternatively, a holding response, which explains why it is not yet possible to resolve the complaint with indication when the company will make further contact. A copy of the ombudsman services standard explanatory leaflet will be included with this response.

Whatever the response, the complainant must also be informed that they may refer the handling of the complaint to the Claims Management Ombudsman if they are dissatisfied with the response or delay.

If the decision is made that redressing the situation is appropriate, the Company will provide the complainant with fair compensation for any acts or omissions for which it was responsible and comply with the offer of redress if the complainant accepts.

However, if the complainant rejects the offer of financial redress or an apology, an offer to redo the work or refund a fee, then the complaint needs to be forwarded to the Claims Management Ombudsman who can be contacted at the following address:

Claims Management Ombudsman
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange
E14 9SR

Telephone: 0800 023 4567

Other means of contacting the service can be found here:

If the complainant is not happy with the Company’s final or holding response, the complainant has up to six months to bring the complaint to the Claims Management Ombudsman.

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