Neck Injury Compensation Claims in Manchester

The neck is a relatively fragile part of the body, and neck injuries can be a serious source of discomfort. If you have suffered a neck injury that was not your fault, then you should consider making a claim for compensation against the responsible party.

You can suffer neck injuries in a number of ways, from a slip, trip or fall at work to whiplash in a road traffic accident.

Whiplash is probably the most common of all neck injury claims and involves the neck being suddenly thrown backwards and forwards following a sudden impact, for example, a vehicle being hit from behind by another vehicle. Whilst most whiplash claims are minor, they can still occur following relatively minor impacts and in some case it will take a couple of days for the symptoms to present themselves, which include: headaches, stiffness in the neck, shoulder or arms, reduced movement, tiredness, blurred vision and dizziness.

Whiplash Manchester Accident Injury Compensation. Free, Personal Injury Claim Assessments. Road Traffic Accident, Neck Injury

The amount of compensation you can claim will depend on the type of neck injury you have suffered and its effect on your amenity, and the following is a rough guide to the compensation levels:

  • Minor whiplash – up to £3,000
  • serious whiplash – up to £6,000
  • other moderate neck injury – up to £15,000
  • fractures – up to £20,000
  • permanent disability – over £30,000

If you have suffered a neck injury, then you can make a compensation claim against the negligent party’s insurance company. In addition to compensation for your neck injuries, you can also make a claim for any other losses that are a direct result of the accident that led to your neck injury. For example, medical bills, travel expenses, damage to property such as a vehicle and loss of income.

Any claim must be made within three years of the date of the accident (by their 21st birthday in the case of a child). Therefore, you should not delay speaking with our specialist personal injury solicitors** in Manchester who will be able to help you make a claim on a no win no fee* basis.

Neck Injury Lawyers Manchester

If you have suffered a neck injury and weren’t to blame, our Accident Lawyers can help you claim compensation through our No Win, No Fee* service. Call our Accident solicitors** on 01615 168 871^ or contact us online.

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