Spinal Injury Compensation

Spinal injuries are amongst the most severe personal injuries that can be suffered. Unlike general back injuries, any spinal injury compensation claim will result in a higher amount of compensation being payable than other types of personal injury claim. This means that it is even more important that you speak to our Manchester spinal injury compensation solicitors** if you or a loved one has suffered from an injury to the spine.

Spinal Injury Accident Claims

Injuries to the spine can arise from a number of different types of accidents, including road traffic accidents, workplace accidents, slips, trips, falls or even as a result of medical negligence. Regardless of the cause of the injury, they are likely to have an extremely large impact on the life of the individual who has suffered the injury and those close to them. It often results in paralysis and other long term effects. As a result of this, there are typically a greater amount of costs that arise as a result of a spinal injury. For example, there are not only likely to be high initial medical costs, there may well be ongoing and future costs such as those relating to rehabilitation, care, transport, or accommodation modification.

In addition to this, there may be both short and long term financial losses relating to loss of salary and future loss of earnings. Regardless of the number of different costs, our Manchester personal injury solicitors** will be able to ensure that you are awarded the amount of compensation to which you are entitled.

Back injury in Manchester, spine pain from workplace, lack of time for breaks and exercise - RSI, joint pain, office worker

Making a Claim for a Spinal Injury

A compensation claim relating to spinal injury will need the expert assistance of our Manchester based personal injury solicitors** – we  understand the process and have years of experience in dealing with similar cases. There is often the need to liaise with medical experts and analyse large amounts of evidence, including medical records, accident reports and complex financial spreadsheets.

Contact our Specialist Personal Injury Solicitors for Manchester

If you have suffered a spinal injury and weren’t to blame, our team can help you claim compensation through our No Win, No Fee* service. Call our accident solicitors** on 01615 168 871^ or contact us online.

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