Leg Injuries Compensation Claims in Manchester

If you have suffered an injury to any part of your leg, including your foot or your ankle that was not your fault then you can make a leg injury compensation claim via our personal injury solicitors** for Manchester. There is no closed list of the number of ways in which you could suffer leg injuries, and it can be a result of any one of the following:

There are many ways in which you can hurt your leg, from minor bruising and fractures to serious injuries such as broken bones and those that require amputation. The amount of compensation you can claim will depend on the seriousness of the leg injuries and the impact it has had on your life. There are set guidelines for leg injury compensation, and claims usually fall within the following brackets:

  • minor leg injuries – up to £15,000
  • severe leg injuries – up to £80,000
  • amputations – over £150,000

On top of the compensation for your injuries, you can also recover any other expenses you or your family have had to bear as a direct result of your leg injury. For example, physiotherapy, loss of income, travel expenses and damage to property.

gym and leisure center accidents, negligence injuries from sports - leg injuries

Any leg injury claim should be brought within three years of the date of the accident. Our personal injury solicitors** for Manchester will help you to bring a claim against the negligent party and the compensation will be paid out by the negligent party’s insurance company. In most cases your case will be settled out of court and your personal injury solicitor will help you to negotiate a settlement. If the matter cannot be settled, then it will proceed to court. Your personal injury solicitor will work on your case on a no win, no fee* basis. However, if the matter proceeds to court, you may have to take out insurance cover to ensure that you do not have to pay for the other party’s legal fees should you not win your case.

Leg Injuries Solicitors** of Manchester

If you have suffered a leg injury and weren’t to blame, our accident solicitors** can help you claim compensation through our No Win, No Fee* service. Call our team on 01615 168 871^ or contact us online.

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