Car Accidents in Manchester – Compensation Claim Solicitors

We have been handling compensation claims for injuries sustained in car accidents for many years, and have a successful track record in securing significant financial awards for our clients. Our team appreciate that being involved in a road traffic accident can have a terrible impact on people, both physically and mentally. We use our expertise to help make the job of recovering from a car accident a little easier.

In line with FCA Regulations, you are entitled – if you fulfil the necessary criteria – to make a claim for injury arising from a motor accident in Manchester to the Claims Portal. You do not need to instruct a solicitor and can submit a claim free of charge. Our panel solicitors will charge a fee for providing advice and submitting your claim. This fee may be up to 25% of the claim value plus VAT. We will be able to inform you in more detail when you enquire on 01615 168 871^.

No Win, No Fee Car Accident Claims

Accident Claims Manchester can help you secure financial compensation for any injuries that you have suffered as a result of a car accident.

If you have been injured because of someone else’s actions on the road, you are entitled by law to seek some level of financial redress. All of Manchester’s road users have an obligation to take care when driving, and to do so with the level of skill that is expected of them. If they fail to do so, regardless whether you are another driver, passenger, or even a pedestrian, you may be entitled to compensation.

Types of Injuries Sustained in Car Accidents

Injuries from car accidents are incredibly varied. They include not only muscle strain and bruising, but can in serious instances include spinal injury, brain damage and even the loss of an arm or leg. Regardless as to the type of injury suffered, our expert personal injury team is very familiar with handling car accident injuries and is waiting to discuss your claim.

Accident Claims Manchester are waiting to help you. From the moment that you contact us, we will begin to process your claim and explore what level of compensation you may be able to expect. No matter what kind of injury you have suffered, even if it is only a minor injury, you may still be entitled to compensation.

We are compensation claims experts

The team at Accident Claims Manchester are experts in handling claims for compensation regarding car accidents. Our service is offered on a no win, no fee* basis.

Our team will be in regular contact with you regarding the progress of your personal injury claim, and will offer guidance that reflects your circumstances. We do not believe in offering our clients a service that gives promises that cannot be kept: any and all guidance on the merit of your claim will reflect the circumstances of your accident and the gravity of your injuries.

Car Accident Claims in Manchester – What information do I need to give?

In order for us to be able to build a case to seek financial compensation for you, we will need you to be as honest as possible regarding your accident. It is very important that you restrict your account of the accident and injuries to the facts – any alteration of what actually happened that is discovered later could have a negative impact on the value of your claim.

Compensation claims for injuries sustained in car accidents depend on the level of detail that can be provided. If you can furnish our team with as much information as possible regarding your accident, this increases the chances of your claim being successful. Our team will need to know:

  • How the car accident occurred;
  • The people involved in the car accident;
  • The kind of injuries you suffered;
  • The impact your injuries have had on you; and
  • Details of anyone that can confirm your account of the accident.

There is a limited amount of time that compensation can be sought for injuries sustained in car accidents: you are only able to mount a claim within three years of having suffered an accident.

Car Accident Claim Solicitors for Manchester

Accident Claims Manchester offers a simple, comprehensive service for those in and around the Manchester area. We handle the entire process of claiming compensation. Our lawyers will take responsibility for all the paperwork involved in making your claim, and will also represent you in any court proceedings that become necessary. Our services will not cost you anything until we are successful. It’s the job of our team to help you secure what you are entitled to.

If you have recently been involved in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, our car accident solicitors** can help you claim compensation through our no win, no fee* service. Call our team on 01615 168 871^ or contact us online.

Start Your Personal Injury Claim Today

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