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Man dies following chest infection treatment

Posted in: Medical Negligence Wrongful & Accidental Death 

Coroner Mark Layton is writing to the chief executive of the Hywel Dda University Health Board to raise his concerns surrounding the death of 85-year-old Margaret Hiorns in 2013. Mrs Hiorns, who died at Llanelli’s Prince Phillip Hospital, suffered a blood clot after being treated for a chest infection. Her family brought into question her treatment, claiming that she had been administered blood-thinning drugs for too long a period.  The hospital originally rejected the claim.

The coroner is writing to the board, however, to demand that patients be better monitored, especially when being prescribed the drug Tinzarapin.  Mrs Hiorn had spent two months in the hospital being treated for a chest infection, and her son Mike told an inquest that he felt that she had been given the drug for too long.  He claimed that she had not been properly monitored for possible side-effects, such as internal bleeding.  He claimed that his mother had suffered extreme pain towards the end of her life.

“substandard care”

At the inquest, Dr Edmund Anthony Bliss, who had been called as an expert witness, acknowledged that there had been an “element of substandard care”.  Also called, Joanna James who is a nursing expert, concurred that the care that Mrs Hiorn had received in July 2013 had: “contributed to the general deterioration in her condition”.

Following the inquest, the health board acknowledged that there had been shortcomings in the care that Mrs Hiorn received at the hospital.  They sincerely apologised for those matters, however a health board spokesman strongly refuted some of the other allegations made by the family.

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