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Injured cyclists need more help

Posted in: Bicycle Accidents Hip Injuries Neck Injuries Road Traffic Accidents 

After Dag Lindberg suffered a collision with a lorry earlier in the year, his girlfriend has called for an increase in support to be available to injured cyclists and their families. 

Mr. Lindberg had been cycling to a model casting on a ‘Boris Bike’ when a lorry turned and collided with him on the 19th of April. He said: “I got the last two back wheels over my body, crushing my hip and my pelvis”.  He also sustained injuries to his neck, 14 of his ribs were broken, his collarbone was broken, and he also suffered internal bleeding in his spleen and liver. The lorry driver, who remains unnamed, has been arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving.

Mr. Lindberg’s girlfriend, Valeria Vereau, has requested for more to be done in terms of supporting families who dedicate their time to caring for the accident victim. Following the bicycle accident, medical staff warned her that a great deal of care would be required during his series of operations. Ms. Vereau, an actress, said that she has had to give up going to auditions in order to care for Mr. Lindberg, saying that she has to work “triply” hard in other ways to make money.

‘if he can’t then who can?’

She said: “To handle everything and figuring out everything on your own when you’re in such a state, it’s quite stressful… If there could be more support for those who are injured, [it would help].

Mr. Lindberg has spent two months in hospital and remains in a wheelchair. Medical staff fear that it could take up to five years for his body to fully recover. He wrote two emails to the Mayor of London concerning the availability of support to injured cyclists – he replied saying that he couldn’t help.  Mr. Lindberg said: “if he can’t then who can?”

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