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University hospital plans to cut 600 jobs

Posted in: Medical Negligence 

A combination of funding cuts and rising demand has caused a hospital trust in Norfolk to rethink their staffing levels – with a possibility of cuts extending to 600 jobs.  James Paget University Hospitals NHS Trust is at risk of no longer being able to survive as a stand-alone hospital, meaning nearly a quarter of its workforce will need to be cut. 

The trust aims to make a saving of around £20m by 2018, and also plans to share a large degree of their services with other local hospitals over the next few years. The trust’s ‘five year strategy’, on which this information is based, has been described as foreseeing an “extremely challenging” few years that will require “brave and bold” decision making.

Coping with the ageing population

The trust has explained that their main aim is to preserve core services, with a worry that budget cuts may force the closure of beds.  The trust will also have to tackle the problems that will stem from them having the highest percentage of dementia patients in the country.  A forecast reveals that the number of over 65s in the Great Yarmouth and Waverly area is due to ascend from 19,000 to 72,000 by 2030 (an increase of 35.9%).  These facts are paramount in determining how the trust plans to cope with the continual expansion of the ageing population.

Chief executive Christine Allen said: “We need to make sure our care for patients is safer and more efficient and we need to work closely with our partners to move the right care closer to home.

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