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Surgeon responsible for fatal bug wins disclosure case

Posted in: Medical Negligence NHS Claims Wrongful & Accidental Death 

After five patients died as a result of a surgeon’s poor treatment, the High Court has ruled that he cannot be forced into telling future patients about his clinical history. John Lu worked at Nottingham’s Trent Cardiac Centre, where he infected 11 patients and killed 5. The investigation into Mr Lu’s standard of practice was sparked as a result of numerous patients becoming infected with an antibiotic-resistant strain of bacteria, where he was found to be the common source.

The investigation was carried out by Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust in October of 2009, after which Mr Lu was withdrawn from surgery.  The trust encouraged Mr Lu to return to work, but placed him under a series of conditions.  Mr Lu agreed that he should have to complete a re-entry scheme, but said that some of the demands were “grossly unfair”.

Take time to regain public’s trust

Bosses of the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust said that Mr Lu is now of no greater risk to patients than any other surgeon, but agreed that it would take time for him to regain the public’s trust.

One patient that survived the antibiotic-resistant infection said that he disagreed with the final judgement, arguing: “I think patients who go in for operations at any hospital should be aware of all the history and facts behind the surgeon.

If you have been affected by medical negligence, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us.


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