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Family to receive £6.5 million in compensation

Posted in: Birth Injury Head and Brain Injuries Medical Negligence 

A hospital trust is to payout £6.5 million in compensation to the family of a boy who was born with severe brain damage following a series of medical mistakes. Cody Lyster-Hughes’s mother, Caroline Lyster, was admitted to the Diana Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby, after it was discovered that she had an infection while pregnant. Mrs Lyster was seven-and-a-half months pregnant when the infection was first detected in 2005. Doctors treated her with a course of antibiotics and steroids.

Following hospital treatment, a pathology report was produced which showed that she had e-coli.  Mrs Lyster was re-admitted to hospital four days later, but it was found that the infection had already spread to the foetus. Cody was born seven weeks premature with severe brain damage.

“Provide him with the care and therapies he requires”

Following an eight-and-a-half year legal battle, the hospital trust has finally admitted to antenatal management failings, which led to Cody’s premature birth and his severe cerebral palsy. It was agreed that they would pay out £6.5 million in compensation to the family.  

The director of performance assurance across Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust, Wendy Booth, said: “An apology has been provided, and a settlement agreed which will be used to secure Cody’s future and provide him with the care and therapies he requires.

The Trust apologised to the family for Cody’s suffering and wished them all well “for the future”.

If you have been affected by medical negligence, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us.


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