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British airways passenger sues

Posted in: Head and Brain Injuries Public Place Accidents Public Transport Whiplash Injuries 

A passenger that suffered serious injuries after a bag fell onto them from an overhead compartment is suing air travel giants British Airways. 45-year-old Wayne Herbert from north London had been travelling on the US-bound plane when a fellow passenger’s travel bag fell onto his head as the plane waited to take off. He claims he suffered serious whiplash injuries as a result of the incident.

The accident happened on 28 October last year, but Mr Herbert claims that he still suffers from anxiety following the “traumatic” incident. It was heard that he received treatment from a paramedic at the time and did not require any further medical care.

Blamed BA’s handling of the situation

Mr Herbert said that the accident came about as a result of British Airways’ failings. He said that the passengers waiting to be seated in the row behind him were trying to force too much hand luggage into the overhead lockers, forcing one bag to fall onto his head. He continued by explaining that he was then taken off the plane, where he received paramedic care, and was then given a flight the following morning. Furthermore, he blamed BA’s handling of the situation for his desire to sue.

He added: “I’m still suffering anxiety — this is an ongoing injury. The staff certainly were not checking what people were doing, and I’m suffering as a result.

A similar incident happened on a BA flight last month, whereby the passenger collapsed and had to be taken to hospital.

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