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IOSH welcomes new work safety strategy

Posted in: Workplace Injuries 

The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) has welcomed a new strategy for reducing work-related injuries and illness in Ireland.

According to IOSH, the Health and Safety Authority’s (HSA) Strategy Statement 2013-2015 can also help cut the number of deaths in Ireland’s workplaces, particularly the high levels suffered in agriculture and fishing.

The HSA strategy outlines a work programme to reduce occupational injury, illness and fatalities in Ireland. It also carries vital backing from Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton on the economic importance of health and safety, suggesting that it, “…makes good business sense, aids competitiveness, improves relations with workers and is, in fact, central to successful enterprise”.

IOSH also applauded the HSA’s promise to maintain construction inspection levels to prevent any loss of improved standards and also its focus on promoting risk management education for students. This, the Institution believes, will contribute to developing what it calls a more ‘risk intelligent society’.


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